How To Say Dead Person In Japanese
How to say die in Japanese
People were built-in and and then they will die. Information technology is the unchanging law of cosmos. The concepts of death in each country or culture are unlike. In this mail, Learn Japanese Daily will introduce to yous the lesson: How to say die in Japanese.
How to say dice in Japanese
他界(たかい): death, the side by side world
臨終(りんじゅう): deathbed, dying hour
逝去(せいきょ): death
昇天(しょうてん): ascension (into heaven)
永眠(えいみん): eternal sleep
物故(ぶっこ): death (of a person)
逝く(いく): to die, to pass away
亡くなる(なくなる): to die
世(よ)を去る(さる): to depart this life, to go out of the world
鬼籍(きせき)に入る(いる): to be numbered amidst the dead
あの世(あのよ)に行く(いく): to go to heaven
冥土(めいど)へ旅立つ(たびだつ): to begin a trip to the underworld
不帰の客(ふきのきゃく): deceased person
How to say die in Japanese according to Buddhism
往生(おうじょう): passing on to the next life
成仏(じょうぶつ): condign a Buddha
入滅(にゅうめつ): entering Nirvana
入寂(にゅうじゃく): nirvana, death of a priest
遷化(せんげ): death (of a high priest)
How to talk about expiry in Japanese according to Catholicism
帰天(きてん): death of a Christian
召天(しょうてん): death (of a Christian)
How to talk about decease in Japanese for loftier condition people
身罷る(みまかる): to pass away
お隠れ(おかくれ)になる: to death, to pass away
皇族(こうぞく)や三位(さんみ)以上(いじょう)の公家(くげ)の死(し) – The decease of people of the royal family or loftier status people :
薨去(こうきょ): death (esp. nobleman, aristocrat), demise
天皇や皇帝の死 – The death of the emperor :
崩御(ほうぎょ): death (of an emperor), demise
登霞(とうか): imperial death
Other means to say die in Japanese :
目(め)を覚まさ(さまさ)ない: will not wake up
三途の川(さんずのかわ)を渡る(わたる): to cross the Styx
死神(しにがみ)が連れ去る(つれさる): The god of decease takes someone away
○○が最後(さいご)となる: to be the last
魂(たましい)が肉体(にくたい)から離れる(はなれる): The soul is seperated from the body
心臓(しんぞう)の鼓動(こどう)が止まる(とまる): The heartbeat stops
死者(ししゃ)の列(れつ)に加わる(くわわる): to be added to line of the expressionless person
亡き(なき)数(かず)に入る(はいる): be numbered among the dead
夭逝(ようせい)/夭折(ようせつ)/早世(そうせい)する: premature death, dying immature
病魔(びょうま)との闘い(たたかい)に敗れる(やぶれる): to lose for a fight with the affliction
天(てん)(あの世(あのよ))からの迎え(むかえ)が来る(くる): to be summoned to the other world
この世(このよ)から解放(かいほう)される: to exist liberated from the world
棺桶(かんおけ)/墓(はか)に入る(はいる): to enter the coffin / the grave
屍(かばね)をさらす: to die on the battlefield
先立つ(さきだつ): to dice before (esp. ane's spouse, parents, etc.)
幽明(ゆうめい)境(さかい)を異(い)にする: to pass abroad
黄泉(こうせん)の客(きゃく)となる: to become a guest of the Hades
横死(おうし): violent death
絶命(ぜつめい) : terminate of life / 落命(らくめい) : losing i's life / 命を落とす(いのちをおとす) : to lose 1'southward life / 命(いのち)を失う(うしなう) : to lose one's life / 命(いのち)の火(ひ)が消える(きえる) : Fire of the life goes out
絶息(ぜっそく) : dying, expiry / 息(いき)を引き取る(ひきとる) : to breathe one'due south final/ 呼吸(こきゅう)が止まる(とまる) : breathing stops / 事切れる(こときれる): to expire, to die
卒去(しゅっきょ) : death (of a noble, etc.)、死去(しきょ) : death、死亡(しぼう) : death、死没(しぼつ) : expiry、頓死(とんし) : sudden death、急死(きゅうし) : sudden death、急逝(きゅうせい) : sudden decease、永逝(えいせい) : dying、長逝(ちょうせい) : death, passing、物故(ぶっこ) : decease (of a person)
斃れる(たおれる): to die, to be killed
お陀仏(おだぶつ): ruining oneself
薨ずる(こうずる)/瞑(めい)する/瞑目(めいもく)/冷たくなる(つめたくなる): to close one's optics, to dice peacefully, to be common cold in death
空(そら)の星(ほし)になる: to go a star in the sky (there is another mode to say : to become the wind)
Above is: How to say die in Japanese. We hope this post help you lot know more about the Japanese concepts. Learn other Japanese vocabulary at category: Japanese words by theme
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