Change Page Size In Indesign
judy hicks
Jun 22, 2011, 6:34:00 AM 6/22/11
to InDesign talk
i have a 90 page catalog set in single page indesign cs5 files that i
administer with an indb. the page dimensions are changing, and i want
to automate resizing each page.
the pages are formatted with master pages. i made a new master page
with the new size and margins/columns, and successfully added that to
a test batch of pages. then i went back to the master style source and
deleted the old master, renaming the new one i had created with its
name. I synchronized the test batch and the new margins and columns
are updated, but the page size is not. is there a way to force this? i
have layout adjustments enabled.
btw i have added a custom page size with the new dimensions.
Michael Brady
Jun 22, 2011, 7:59:08 AM 6/22/11
On Jun 21, 2011, at 7:34 PM, judy hicks wrote:
> the pages are formatted with master pages. i made a new master page
> with the new size and margins/columns, and successfully added that to
> a test batch of pages. then i went back to the master style source and
> deleted the old master, renaming the new one i had created with its
> name. I synchronized the test batch and the new margins and columns
> are updated, but the page size is not. is there a way to force this? i
> have layout adjustments enabled.
1. Switch to the Page Selection tool (3d from top, below the white arrow). The Control Panel will change contents and you'll see page size options. Is the size you want in that list? If not, select Custom and create a Page Size for it.
2. Select the pages you want to change in the Pages Panel. With the Page Selection tool active, select the size you want and wait while ID changes the pages. (I got impatient and tapped the selected pages in the Pages panel.) That should work. Did it?
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Michael Brady | | |
"Thinking Like a Designer" at or
Roy McCoy
Jun 22, 2011, 8:10:30 AM 6/22/11
judy hicks wrote:
Someone will correct me if I'm wrong (they generally do :-),
but I think it's styles but not master pages that you can
synchronize over book files. I suppose I'm betraying my
ignorance, but I don't see how you got the margins and columns
to change throughout the book. Unless somebody says otherwise,
I tend to suppose you should look for a different solution.
It sounds like it would be very easy to script: (1) change
the master page (I assume layout adjustment works properly
when you do this manually), and (2) have the script repeat
the operation for every file in a folder with the book files.
I've given some incorrect advice here lately so don't take me
too seriously, but I really do think that when I say something
wrong it encourages people to come in with what's right when
they know what it is.
Michael B. wrote:
> 1. Switch to the Page Selection tool (3d from top, below the white
> arrow). The Control Panel will change contents and you'll see page
> size options.
It doesn't change for me unless I have the text tool selected
previously, and I don't see page size options. Am I doing something
wrong? What do I need to do to see page size options?
> Is the size you want in that list? If not, select Custom and create
> a Page Size for it.
> 2. Select the pages you want to change in the Pages Panel. With the
> Page Selection tool active, select the size you want and wait while
> ID changes the pages. (I got impatient and tapped the selected pages
> in the Pages panel.) That should work. Did it?
I don't think it will, since she said she was working with single-page
files. But we'll see what she says. I may be misunderstanding something
judy hicks
Jun 23, 2011, 3:23:34 AM 6/23/11
to InDesign talk
to roy mccoy: yes you can synchronize master pages in an indb file.
to michael brady: yes I can do this individually...i just want to
automate somehow so I don't have to open/apply to each page. I guess a
script will do it but I don't know how to do it... can anyone point me
to a good source to learn? thank you.
> On Jun 21, 2011, at 7:34 PM, judy hicks wrote:
>> the pages are formatted with master pages. i made a new master page
>> with the new size and margins/columns, and successfully added that to
>> a test batch of pages. then i went back to the master style source and
>> deleted the old master, renaming the new one i had created with its
>> name. I synchronized the test batch and the new margins and columns
>> are updated, but the page size is not. is there a way to force this? i
>> have layout adjustments enabled.
> 1. Switch to the Page Selection tool (3d from top, below the white arrow). The
> Control Panel will change contents and you'll see page size options. Is the
> size you want in that list? If not, select Custom and create a Page Size for
> it.
> 2. Select the pages you want to change in the Pages Panel. With the Page
> Selection tool active, select the size you want and wait while ID changes the
> pages. (I got impatient and tapped the selected pages in the Pages panel.)
> That should work. Did it?
> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Michael Brady
Jun 23, 2011, 3:40:04 AM 6/23/11
On Jun 22, 2011, at 4:23 PM, judy hicks wrote:
> to michael brady: yes I can do this individually...i just want to
> automate somehow so I don't have to open/apply to each page. I guess a
> script will do it but I don't know how to do it... can anyone point me
> to a good source to learn? thank you.
Are you working on a book of several documents? That probably changes things.
I thought it was one document. In a single document, you can select the range of pages, switch to the page selection tool, change the page size, and ID will apply the new page size to all the pages. But that works only in the open document.
Roy McCoy
Jun 23, 2011, 4:41:32 AM 6/23/11
judy hicks wrote:
> yes you can synchronize master pages in an indb file.
So I've learned something, thanks. And I can see how this function
might well not include a change of page size also.
> yes I can do this individually...i just want to automate somehow
> so I don't have to open/apply to each page. I guess a script will
> do it but I don't know how to do it... can anyone point me to a
> good source to learn? thank you.
You can start with the InDesign Scripting Read Me, a short document
that was probably installed with your CS. It refers on its first
page to,
where you can download the Adobe InDesign Scripting Tutorial,
which also wouldn't hurt you.
Again, however, your script will be so simple that you can
probably get it worked out without having to go through a whole
course on the subject. Talk with people, for example at
if you're on a Mac and interested in AppleScript, or at
as recommended by the Scripting Read Me. If I remember correctly
all you need is (1) a skeleton for a command or commands sent to
every document in a book, and (2) the command or commands for
changing the size of the page. I think it's a relatively simple
matter of getting those two and putting them together.
Roy McCoy
Jun 24, 2011, 7:02:54 AM 6/24/11
P.S. I wrote:
> If I remember correctly all you need is (1) a skeleton for
> a command or commands sent to every document in a book, and
> (2) the command or commands for changing the size of the page.
> I think it's a relatively simple matter of getting those two
> and putting them together.
I found a "skeleton" that I'd used with CS4 on a book before and
was going to post it this afternoon, only it wouldn't compile
in CS5.5:
tell application "Finder"
set srcfolder to choose folder with prompt "Select folder
containing book documents whose page size is to be changed."
set DocList to every item of folder srcfolder as alias list
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
repeat with DocAlias in DocList
set DocName to DocAlias as text
if DocName ends with ".indd" then
set doc to open DocAlias
-- place command changing page size here
save doc
close doc
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
I reported the problem in applescriptingindesign, where Shane Stanley
proposed trying "as Unicode text" rather than "as text", and then it
worked. Or at least it seemed to. I was going to test it to make sure
and then I laughed, because inserting a command to change the page size
was probably about as easy as anything else. So I'm on it at the moment.
I was right, it was pretty easy:
tell application "Finder"
set srcfolder to choose folder with prompt "Select folder containing book documents whose page size is to be changed."
set DocList to every item of folder srcfolder as alias list
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
repeat with DocAlias in DocList
set DocName to DocAlias as Unicode text
if DocName ends with ".indd" then
set doc to open DocAlias
tell document 1
set page size of document preferences to "A5"
end tell
save doc
close doc
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
You have to change it to the page size you want, and be on a Mac.
Oct 8, 2014, 4:03:41 AM 10/8/14
I found this script and got excited as it seems that it would do just what I want. I copied it into TextWrangler, saved with .jsx and put it in my InDesign Scripts Panel. When I use it it gives me this error message:
JavaScript Error!
Error Number: 25
Error String Expected: ;
Engine: main
File: /Users/ etc etc
Line: 1
Source: tell application "Finder"
Offending Text: application
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?
On Thursday, June 23, 2011 5:02:54 PM UTC-7, Roy wrote:
P.S. I wrote:> If I remember correctly all you need is (1) a skeleton for
> a command or commands sent to every document in a book, and
> (2) the command or commands for changing the size of the page.
> I think it's a relatively simple matter of getting those two
> and putting them together.
I'm using InDesign CS5.5 on Mac
Oct 8, 2014, 4:10:31 AM 10/8/14
It's AppleScript, not Javascript.
Bret Perry
Oct 8, 2014, 4:35:27 AM 10/8/14
Is applescriptingindesign still active?
When I go there, there is nothing new since May 2014…
(or did you contact Shane off-lisy?)
Bret Perry
Studio IT Manager/Production Artist
ph 626-463-9365
fax 626-449-2201
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Change Page Size In Indesign
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